SASSA Grant in Aid – How to Apply in 2024
SASSA grants in aid provide financial support to those already receiving a social grant but cannot look after themselves. This program offers additional money to hire an individual for full-time care. To qualify for this grant, you must be a holder of a disability grant, war veteran’s grant, or old age grant.
In this article, I will elaborate on the eligibility criteria, procedure, processing time, etc., for the grant application.
Are You Eligible For This Grant in Aid?
To get this grant in aid, you must have to meet the following criteria that are:
Which Documentation is Required to Apply for This Grant?
To apply for this grant in aid, you need the following documents. So make sure you have these documents when you apply for the grant.
Procedure for the Submission of Application
Now, visit the nearest SASSA office to fill out the application form. You can locate the nearest SASSA office from the official SASSA website or call the helpline to find the office near you. The SASSA official will give you a form for this grant in aid, then complete the application form carefully. Remember, only you and the SASSA officer can fill out the application. After completing the application, hook up the documents we discussed with the application form.
Then, submit the application with the attached documents to the officer. The SASSA officer will conduct your short interview and tell you whether you are eligible or not. The SASSA officer will provide you with a stamped receipt with his name on it. You must keep this receipt safe for the future as it will be needed. Even If you are not eligible for the grant in aid, you have to keep this receipt safe as proof that you have applied for the grant.
What if You Can Not Go to the SASSA Office?
If you cannot go to the office for the process, you can send your trusted friend or a family member to complete the process. It will be beneficial if you provide the person with the note from your doctor that you cannot visit the SASSA office because of mental or physical health issues.
Processing Time for the SASSA Grant in Aid
SASAA usually takes up to 3 months for the processing of the application. However, the processing time can vary by the number of applicants from when you submit your application. After the selection, you will receive the grant payment from the day you submitted your application. If you are not accepted for the grant in aid, you will receive a written letter from the SASSA explaining why you are not eligible.
What If Your Application is Not Accepted for Grant In Aid?
Suppose you did not get accepted for the grant in aid. In that case, you can appeal to the “Ministry of Social Development” to reconsider your application at the “National Department of Social Development” within 90 days.
If they find you eligible for the application, you will receive the grant payment from the submission date. In case of rejection, they will send you a letter detailing why you are not qualified for the grant.
What Amount Will You Receive?
You will receive a monthly payment of R530.
Payment Methods for the SASSA Grant in Aid
You can receive the SASSA grant in aid payment through various methods. Some of these methods are:
Review for the Grant in Aid
SASSA can conduct a review to verify whether you are still eligible for the grant or not by carefully examining your financial conditions. They will decide whether your grant will be reviewed or not by the information in your application. SASSA will notify the review date and place 3 months in advance. They have the authority to ensure you are still meeting the mean test requirement. It is advisable to keep your application always updated to avoid any distress.
If you are unable to go for a review in the SASSA office don’t worry, they will bring a review team to you. The SASSA team will conduct a review at your home for your feasibility if you are confined to bed.
Reasons for the Suspension of the Grant
The suspension of a grant could be an outcome for several reasons. Some of these are:
Way to Restore Your Grant in Aid
If you think the suspension results from any error, you can appeal. You must appeal to “The Department of Social Development” to restore your grant in 90 days.
Reasons for the Termination of Your SASSA Grant in Aid
Your grant can be suspended because of several reasons. Some of these reasons are:
SASSA grant in aid is a great initiative to provide financial help to those who need full-time care due to their health or mental problems. As we have discussed the entire process for this grant, so if you are eligible, apply for this grant and wait 3 months for the notification about the status of your grant application. Consequently, you can get help from the government for full-time care.